Thursday, November 1, 2007
Britney Spears Catholic Trouble
BRITNEY SPEARS is set to shock the world with saucy new promotional shots picturing her seducing a handsome Catholic priest. The images are to promote her new album Blackout - which is released in the U.S. on Tuesday (30Oct07)- but the shots, in which the troubled singer is dressed in a black blouse, short black mini-skirt and fishnet stockings, will outrage the Catholic Church with her suggestive poses. In one picture, Spears is snapped leaning seductively against the confession box as a young priest listens to her repent her sins, while in another photo, Spears is shown sitting on his lap inside the cubical.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
BRITNEY SPEARS turned herself in to police.
(She bumped another car while trying to pull into a parking space)
She was released after 45 minutes and is due to appear in court in a couple of weeks.
All i can say WTF!!!!
Britney Spears' "FUCK OFF LOVER BOY" jacket.
And Britney continues to set a good example to her kids… she was photographed at a gas station yesterday wearing a "FUCK OFF LOVER BOY" jacket.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Britney Goes out with no Nickers on again!
While Britney Spears was committing career suicide, Kevin Federline was throwing a birthday party for their two sons. Jayden James turns one today and Sean Preston will be two on Friday. Both of Britney's parents were at the party.

Britney's Lacklustre performance at the VMA's
View the disaster here.
But what about the nastiest comments of all — those about her body? "Lard and Clear," read Monday's headline in the New York Post. "The bulging belly she was flaunting was SO not hot," wrote E! Online. And so on.
Was it fair? Did Spears, lest we forget a mother of two, deserve to be held up against the standard of her once fantastically toned abs, sculpted by sessions of 1,000 tummy crunches? Or was she asking for it by choosing that unforgiving black-sequined bikini?
More profoundly, in an age where skinny models and skeletal actresses are under scrutiny for the message they're sending young girls, what does it say that we're excoriating a young woman for a little thickness in her middle?
On the morning after what the VH1 channel called Spears' "already historic" performance, the blogosphere was buzzing with opinions. For every "fat" comment there was an impassioned retort. "Give her a break," wrote one blogger on "The girl's had two kids — I hope I'm a size 10 after having kids!"
"OK, she isn't fat," wrote another. "But she isn't fit enough to be wearing (or not wearing) what she is."
For many observers, the issue was not so much the body, but the body in THAT outfit.
Britney Spears performs at the MTV Video Music Awards held at the Palms Hotel and Casino on Sunday, Sept. 9, 2007, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill) | ||
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Britney Spears Pepsi Commercial

On Sunday, during the Superbowl, Pepsi-Cola North America unveils a new Britney Spears commercial for its flagship brand. After appearing in other Pepsi commercials, Britney Spears is back with a 90-second blockbuster that will debut during the first quarter of Sunday's game. The spot, called "Now and Then," takes viewers on a ride through Pepsi's advertising history — the Pepsi Generations. Spears adds her unique flair to Pepsi commercials from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s and brings the viewer to 2002 with her updated version of the "Joy of Pepsi" song. The spot was created by Pepsi's long-time advertising agency, BBDO New York. — Reuters